Our dentists can provide you with high-quality dental restorations here at Capital Dental Group. We provide dental crowns and bridges in Bakersfield, California, designed to restore your damaged or missing teeth. If you would like to learn more, we encourage you to contact us today at 661-861-8000 and schedule a visit with our general dentists and dental specialists!
A dental crown and a dental bridge are both treatment options designed to replace or restore one or more missing or damaged teeth, renewing your full smile. When you come in for your consultation, our dentists can help you determine which restorative option best meets your dental needs.
Dental Crowns
Dental crowns may occasionally be referred to as caps, especially when they are used to finish and protect a recent dental implant or root canal treatment. They are created with the purpose of repairing injured or decaying teeth, preventing further infection from negatively impacting your smile. A crown can be used as a barrier between the sensitive tooth and harmful bacteria or as a way to strengthen a tooth when the damage done is beyond what can be addressed with a simple filling.
Dental Bridges
If you are missing one or more teeth, a dental bridge is one of your recommended replacement options. The gap where your missing tooth or teeth once were is filled by a bridge that is anchored by two dental crowns on either side of the gap. This bridge supports your new artificial teeth for a seamless, natural-looking restoration that returns your smile to full health.
You can learn more about how our dentists can use dental crowns or dental bridges to improve your smile by calling our office and scheduling your visit with our team today.