Root canals tend to have a negative reputation thanks to pop culture. You might see a character on a television show lamenting about something they don’t want to do and utter the expression, “I’d rather get a root canal.” As a result, root canal treatments are often considered to be a painful dental procedure that most people tend to fear.... read more »
Regular brushing and flossing are certainly important in the context of at-home oral health, but is it really enough to ensure a healthy mouth? Unfortunately, no. While there’s no doubt that self-maintenance aids in keeping your mouth looking and feeling clean, oral health is much more complex. As we’ve noted in the past, poor oral health can be linked to... read more »
As March 6 is National Dentist’s Day, it is the perfect time for a quick refresher on the different types of dentists we have available at Capital Dental Group and what they can do to support and improve your oral health. Whether it be general dentists, implantologists, prosthodontists, periodontists, or oral surgeons, there are a wide range of dentists available... read more »
When it comes to our kids, we want the very best for them in all areas of their life. We will do whatever it takes to ensure they have everything they need and are set up for a happy and healthy future. One way to ensure this is by making their dental health a priority. Whether it be teaching them... read more »
Teeth whitening has fast become one of the most popular dental treatments. While everyone wants to have a bright and beautiful smile, many people choose less expensive treatment options that are not as effective and may end up costing more in the long run. If you want to have whiter teeth, professional teeth whitening is the way to go. You... read more »
For those with health insurance that includes dental, it’s important you understand what you’re entitled to with your specific benefits. Through the proper use of your dental benefits, you will not only ensure your teeth are clean and healthy today, but you will be setting them up for long-term health as well. Whether your plan includes two regular cleanings a... read more »
Sleep is a vital component of overall health and well-being. Sleep allows the body to rest, repair, and ready itself for another day, and the price for not getting enough sleep can be poor health. In fact, poor sleep has been linked to serious medical conditions, such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, as well as increased illness... read more »
General dentists are capable of taking care of the majority of patients’ oral health needs. However, there will be cases when the services of a dental specialist are required. When this happens, your dentist will refer you to a specialist who will take care of the problem before you return to routine care with your primary dentist. Nearly 80% of all dentists in... read more »
Brush twice a day, floss at least once a day, and use a fluoride mouthwash. Do this every day and you should be good to go, right? Not exactly. While regular brushing and flossing go a long way in maintaining good oral health, they do not take the place of regularly scheduled professional dental cleanings. The American Dental Association recommends having your teeth... read more »
In the digital age, convenience is king. With a computer, tablet, or smartphone, consumers can take care of an entire day’s worth of errands and appointments without getting out of bed. Health care is no different. The appeal of at-home services, such as telemedicine and virtual visits, is on the rise and at-home treatment options are turning heads for their... read more »